Covering Letter for a CV in 5 Easy Steps

What's going to get you the job that you want? A perfect CV? A stunning photo? The real answer may surprise you. Here's something you need to hear, and that most web sites and most recruitment consultancies don't tell you. In order to get the job you want, you have to "sell" yourself. To "sell" yourself effectively you have to target the document that many employers use to make their decision about whether or not to invite you for an interview. That document isn't your CV, it's your cover letter.
If your CV is selling the steak, then your cover letter is selling the sizzle. Your cover letter has to arouse the interest of your potential employer. It has to maintain that interest and lead your employer naturally to the next steps that are to read your CV and to invite you to a job interview. So let's see what those five steps are that will set you apart from the rest.
Step 1. "Dear Mr Jones,......"
Find out who should be receiving your letter. Using that person's name shows that you've prepared and that you want to present a high quality image. It's also much better than the banal "Dear Sir/Madam" openers that so many other job-hunters use.
Step 2. Passion and Experience in the First Paragraph
Employers know that enthusiasm is generally a better guide than intelligence to know if a person will excel in a job. Positioning things so that you convey your motivation for the job from the start helps the employer to see the value in employing you. Start with an affirmative statement such as " Over the last five months, I have thoroughly enjoyed writing newsletter articles for XYZ Limited " that sells your experience and your enthusiasm at the same time.
Step 3. Match their requirements and your skills
Make sure that your letter contains a table with two columns: one for a list with bullets for each of their requirements in the job specification, the other one for the skill you have that meets this requirement. This will position your application well, and it will positively differentiate you from the other 200 applicants who may well not have a clue about how they too could have made it easy for employers to select them.
Step 4. Short, simple and sincere
Make the whole of your letter something that has your personal stamp of quality and sincerity on it. Keeping it short and simple as well will help free up your employer's time so that he or she can send out an invitation for an interview with you... and polite rejection letters to everybody else.
Step 5. Stay in their minds and help them make the connection
You have two things to do here.
The first is to use an aspect of your cover letter to make it easy for them to remember you. There are so many ways you can do this. Writing your signature in a different colour ink is one. Attaching a teabag and inviting the reader to take a break while reading your letter is another. Too much for a cover letter? That depends on the job you're applying for. But whatever you do, be creative.
The second is have them call you, so don't leave this to chance, like so many other applicants do; put your contact details in your cover letter as well, and expressly invite them to call you.
About Me:
Over the years I've seen both sides of the recruitment process: before, when I was looking for a job, and after, when I became a business owner and an employer. So I can certainly share a thing or two that will make you stand out. It amazes me even recruitment agencies get this wrong. Whether it is your first job or you are interested in changing careers visit [] and see how you can use your skills to increase your chances of employment.

Goodbye Letters to Co-Workers - My 5 Top Tips

Let's get one thing straight; in this unstable economy jobs are changing more than ever and were saying goodbye to our fellow co workers more than ever! Believe me, writing good bye letters to co workers can be one of the hardest things to write. I mean it's so ironic considering they don't even need to be that long. However you'll be surprised just how many colleagues struggle finding that perfect letter to say farewell to their fellow co-workers. So to help you on your way here's my top 5 tips.
Goodbye Letters To Co Workers Tip #1
Be Sincere: When writing your farewell letter, be genuine and DON'T be fake. It will come out in the tone of your words and could jeopardise your sincerity.
Goodbye Letters To Co Workers Tip #2
Keep It Short And Sweet: Less is more. Keep it short and sweet but NOT just short. It tends to look like no real thought or effort went into it. Make it long enough to get across your point but short enough so they can get back to work!
Goodbye Letters To Co Workers Tip #3
Write In Black Or Blue Ink: I know it sounds obvious, but you wouldn't believe the number of letters I received from colleagues who wrote in all the colours in the rainbow! I've seen all of them. Yep, including (can you believe it) PURPLE?
Goodbye Letters To Co Workers Tip #4
Try To Email Your Letter: Emailing your letter ensures everybody gets it at exactly the same time. You'll avoid complaints like 'You didn't tell me' and ensures that no one gets left out. Plus if you do accidentally leave somebody out, just blame it on your email! Simple.
Goodbye Letters To Co Workers Tip #5
Write another separate letter for your managerial team and another for your fellow colleague's. It's proven to work a lot better. Targeting your goodbye letter is very strategic but MUST be executed properly if you know how.
I get a number of different emails daily asking for my very best tips on how to deliver a satisfying goodbye letter because I must admit, it's more complex than you would first think. Hopefully my 5 top tips will get you on your way to get started.

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